In late 2014, God began to plant a vision in the heart of Matt Souza to birth a ministry that would become known as GodSquad Church, now known as XP Church. Its mission? To reach gamers all over the world with the gospel. After putting his feet in the water of Twitch, Matt recognized the potential for something far greater than himself sitting in a boiler room playing video games live on the internet.
In its infancy, that is what the ministry was. While Matt began to gain an audience and establish himself on the Twitch platform, he was still only one man. Early on God started to put together a team of eleven other individuals that would battle on the virtual field for the vision to meet gamers where they were and help journey with them from virtual life to eternal life.
On March 24th, 2016, this team of twelve from all over the USA would launch the world’s first church for gamers: GodSquad Church. The first few services were broadcast from a home setup; tearing down and setting up at home each week to create studio spaces for our online service presented a difficult challenge. “But God” saw what we needed and provided a new location that was perfect for that season. Since then, God has continued to lead us to new buildings, offices, and homes. Change and adapting would seem to be a mark of GodSquad Church as we chase after God’s direction.
In 2021, Pastor SouZy was traveling at a speaking engagement representing our church when a Pastor walked up to his booth and asked a very simple question, “Do you feel the name of your church speaks the language of the people you are trying to reach?”. As the team wrestled with this question, it sent them on a journey to rebrand and rename the church with something that all gamers could relate to and understand, XP Church.
From its inception, God has continued to move in the lives of gamers all over the world. This church has reached thousands of gamers with the gospel, and to this day God continues to provide gifted volunteers, necessary funding, and a beautiful vision. Through this ministry, God is changing lives every day and continues to allow it to flourish in a culture that desperately needs the light of Jesus.